The music video takes us through a fast-paced night chase, featuring surrealistic, unique, and dreamlike shots. The whole chase starts because kewin speeds 100 km/h over the limit,  referencing the song’s lyrics. Now, a determined cop is chasing him down, making it his sole purpose. Throughout the night, kewin escapes, caught in a dreamlike state after waking up on the beach, questioning the reality of it all.


Estonian Music Awards 2025 – BEST MUSIC VIDEO – Shortlist


Director’s statement:

After listening to the demo around 20 times, I found the song lyrics that translate to “25×4 over the speed limit” inspiring, and I built the initial narrative around the theme of a police chase. I felt that by adding some surrealistic elements and ending it with a humorous twist, it leaves room for the audience to interpret the story in their own way, rather than it being a very linear storyline of a classic police chase. I wanted the whole chase to be very over the top, taking place somewhere between a dream state and reality. Seeing the chase happening through unique perspectives added the surrealistic, dreamlike feel I was aiming for.

I had this idea of seeing a scene from the perspective of an animal for the longest time, and I felt like this music video was a perfect opportunity to use that idea, and I’m very pleased with how it turned out. I’m also a big dog person, so it was great to see so many dogs on set. Ironically, kewin has a fear of dogs, which I only remembered after creating the treatment. But he conquered his fears and was definitely feeling more comfortable around them by the end of the shoot day. Shoutout to kewin for that and shoutout to the whole team who all worked hard until 5 am in a pitch-black forest to bring my vision to life!

Director PATRIK PRINTS DOP ALEX TERVINSKY Producer KIRILL VOLKOV Gaffer Nikita Kurašov VFX Magnus Harjak MUAH Cecilia-Martina Mägi