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Johannes Magnus Aule is a distinguished filmmaker who has directed, written, and produced a range of projects for the silver screen. His latest short film was shortlisted for the Student BAFTA, and his other works have been recognized at Oscar-qualifying festivals. After studying production at BFM in Estonia, Johannes honed his skills at the National Film and Television School (NFTS) in the UK, where he specialized in genre filmmaking through the directing fiction course.

In addition to his film career, Johannes has applied his storytelling prowess to advertisements and music videos. He began this work before attending NFTS and has recently resumed it with vigor, continually seeking to experiment and learn from each project.

Currently, Johannes is developing his first feature film and a high-end television series, supported by the Hungarian and Estonian Film Institutes. His multifaceted career reflects a commitment to both creative growth and cinematic excellence.

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